
Born in Solingen in 1964, promoted specialist in German studies Richard David Precht ("Wer bin ich - und wenn ja, wie viele?") questions old-fashioned views and mindsets in his new program. His goal is to bring philosophy back to its actual function by connecting it to other disciplines: to understand the problems of people in their everyday life and to strive for a solution. In this sense, Precht, in every episode of his new format, asks a precise question, which currently concerns society and bothers the viewers. He speaks of fundamental terms such as freedom, love, morality or our relationship to nature, the most serious problems such as the financial crisis or the future of our democracy.

"Precht" is being produced in a Berlin film studio by director and television author Gero von Boehm and airs six times a year on Sundays on ZDF. In every episode of the 45-minute program, the philosopher and author Richard David Precht, along with a prominent guest from business, politics, culture or science, dedicates himself to an important topic of society and life.

We congratulate Richard David Precht on being awarded the Fernsehpreis 2013 for special achievements!

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