The Noah's Arch Project

6.05.2007, 7.00 pm, ARTE

A Documentary by Martin Ehrmann

The diversity of farmed animals is in danger. To intensify production and maximize profit, the majority of breeders produce few breeds. To give an example: 96% of European cows are bred from only four breeds, however over 100 breeds of these cows exist in the old world. This intensive farming leads to dramatic impoverishment of animal heritage and induces largely underestimated dangers. Breeds selected and “improved” by artificial insemination are becoming increasingly sensitive to climatic changes and chemicals contained in animal food. These farmed animals need regular medical treatment. Humans, at the end of this food chain, consume contaminated and standardized products. More and more European breeders are sounding the alarm. They have developed a network to exchange information, protect species in danger and are composing a genetic heritage data bank of breeds in danger. Their “alternative” breeding farms are significantly called: Noah’s Arches.