What roles do genes and environmental factors play in widespread diseases like diabetes, heart attacks or apoplectic strokes? Research on twins seems to give us clues to these questions as it represents a unique chance to combine behavioural studies and genetic research. It shows the degree to which man is a slave to his genes and how significant the influence of the environment can be. Binovular twins’ specific situation lends itself particularly well to exploring the impact of single genes on human health, as they develop in similar conditions. In the womb, twins are exposed to the same influences and even after birth they live mostly in identical circumstances. In addition, their genetic patterns are almost the same. To examine a medical problem, genetic researchers need either 5000 patients or 100 twins. Thus, studies involving twins are the silver bullet for all geneticists. This film follows the best international gene hunters, in the U.S. and Europe, and their genetic and environmental research on twins.