Ethanol will be the energy source of the future predicted John Ford at the beginning of the automobile age. It took many years and several oil crises before George W. Bush recounted these prophetic words in his speech to the nation in January 2006. Thanks to the oil price explosion, the US has finally found alternative energy sources to decrease their dependence on expensive and politically explosive black gold. In other countries organic fuel research has been conducted in, over a long period, for example, Sweden, Germany, India and particularly in Brazil. This film looks into the case of Brazil – the pioneering country in ethanol production since the Seventies.
What are the economic and ecological possibilities ethanol offers in this country and on a worldwide level? What are the risks incurred when using this technology? What are the potential economic and social consequences of large-scale ethanol production in developing countries like Brazil, India or China?
Our film will answer these questions by clarifying the research, production and use of ethanol in Brazil. It follows the different manufacturing stages, starting with genetic research to improve sugarcane plant quality right up to new car engine development, taking a look at industrial techniques of ethanol production.